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V-Level is a free loyalty program that offers instant benefits on all your bookings. By signing up, you’ll gain access to extra discounts on sale prices, and additional perks to enhance your vacation in the enchanting destination of Loreto.
V-Level Rewards Program: Exclusive Benefits
Unlock unmatched perks as a V-Level subscriber.
and start enjoying these exclusive rewards!
Extra discounts
Secure the best rate with exclusive additional discounts off the regular price.
Maximizing Benefits
With V-Level, you can start enjoying your subscriber benefits from your very first booking!
Next-Level Instant Benefits
V-Level rewards don’t stop at your first booking. With your second stay, you’ll unlock even more exclusive perks and benefits!
Start here! Unlock a special rate with your first booking.
Enjoy more benefits on your second visit! Receive an additional discount, a spa certificate, and complimentary late check-out!
Exclusive discount off the regular price. |
One $25 USD Sabila Spa Certificate.* |
Complimentary late check-out (subject to availability). |
*Spa Certificate is per room, per stay, and is not combinable with any other promotions. Spa credit can only be used on spa services, not on the purchase of spa products. Unused credit is not refundable for cash.
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Resort Phone: +52 (613) 134 1000
USA/CAN Toll Free Number: 1 800 790 4187
Km. 84, Carretera Transpeninsular, Ensenada Blanca Loreto, 23880 Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Pegasus: 75285
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